anyAttribute and ##targetNamespace question

Dear friends of the XML schema,

Today I have a question about wildcards in conjunction with namespace
"##targetNamespace" and import.

Let's think about the following constellation:

- Schema A (targetNamespace="ANS") imports Schema B (targetNamespace="BNS").

- There exists a global attributeGroup "ag" within B, which has the
following member:

	<xs:anyAttribute namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents =

- Within A there is a attributeGroup reference to "ag".

Now here is my question:

Must the attribute definiton in the xml instance document reside in
namespace "ANS" or "BNS" ?
Reading the spec it is not 100% clear to me, the spec
( says:

1 if one such substring is ##targetNamespace, the corresponding member is
the .actual value. of the targetNamespace  [attribute] of the <schema>
ancestor element information item if present, otherwise .absent.. 

In case of importing schema files, is this from the importing or imported
schema point of view ?

Your help is appreciated,

Best regards,

Peter Kriegesmann
Phone	 06151-921484
Electronic Business Technologies (QE)				Fax
Software AG
Uhlandstrasse 12				  
D-64297 Darmstadt	

Received on Monday, 14 April 2003 04:46:33 UTC