Re: choice group particel whose {particles} is empty

"Stanley Guan" <> writes:

> There is a difference between choice and {all, sequence} group particles 
> in determining whether its {content type} is empty or whether a particle
> is pointless:
>    choice -- {particles} is empty plus its {min occurs} is 0
>    {all, sequence} -- {particles} is empty
> It looks to me that the following two groups are different:
>    choice A -- its {minOccurs} = 0 and {particles} is empty
>    choice B -- its {minOccurs} = 1 and {particles} is empty
> For choice A, its {content type} is empty and it's 
> pointless.  For choice B its {content type} is not
> empty and it's not pointless because it defines a "negative
> group particle" where no sequence (including empty sequence) of
> element information items can be valid with respect to it.
> Is this interpretation correct?

In all respects but, possibly, one.  Groups don't have a {content
type} property, so I'm not sure what you mean by reference to it.

If you mean that a complex type definition which _has_ such a choice
as its content model is emptiable, then yes,
 A ---> emptiable, B -x-> emptiable

  Henry S. Thompson, HCRC Language Technology Group, University of Edinburgh
          W3C Fellow 1999--2002, part-time member of W3C Team
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Received on Thursday, 26 September 2002 04:24:17 UTC