RE: Relative path in xs:include ???

How many dots? Which parser?

Most accept a single dot (current directory) or two dots (parent directory).
If you want to go up more than one level in the directory hierarchy, you
have to use "../.."

There are still a few parsers that don't handle relative references, but
current versions of Xerces and MSXML do (I suspect that others do, too).


-----Original Message-----
From: Mgr Georg Black []
Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 7:23 AM
Subject: Relative path in xs:include ???

Hi everybody.
I want to use tag xs:include with relative path to schema to be
included. But when I use relative path I get message

Failed to read included schema document '...'.

Where is directory '.' I tried directory with schema with tag
include, aplication root, etc. When I write there absolute path, then
all is OK.
rem.: when I use xml schmema with path c:\ .... so this is ok and
relative path too, but calling schmeam with url http://... so then
doesn't it work.

Thanks for your help.

Poctenicko pro kazdy den:

Received on Monday, 9 September 2002 11:12:00 UTC