Re: IS it possible to have a blank date element

Maybe you can use a union type:

<simpleType name="DateOrEmpty">
      <restriction base="string">
        <length value="0"/>

<element xsi:type="DateOrEmpty"/>

should now be valid.

> Hi
> I am creating a schema that has amongst its elements a date element ie
> type
> = xs:date. This element is causing me a headache as it is not mandatory. I
> have been unable to find a way to allow this element to be left blank (I
> have tried setting minOcc to 0 but I get the error "Invalid value for
> datatype date"). I am beginning to thing that I will have to create a
> default of 9999-01-01 to allow people to skip over this field. Can anyone
> tell me different
> Thanks
> Helen 
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