deterministic or ambiguous?


I have created a XML schema and a sample XML document. According to XMLSpy 
4.4 the document seems to be valid and XML schema compliant to the W3C 

All other Tools (Topologi Schematron and Markup Editor, XML Schema Validator 
from Microsoft) that I used for validation reply that my schema is not 
deterministic. They report that there are multiple definitions of some 
element that cause content model to be ambiguous.

I woud like to know, whether I make mistakes in schema definition and XMLSpy 
doesn't notice them, or these are bugs of the other tools.

Here is a part of my schema that causes difficulties:

<xs:element name="root">
	    <xs:element name="Ack_Nack" type="xs:string" fixed="ACK">
	    <xs:element name="Reason_Nack" type="leer"/>
	    <xs:element name="Ack_Nack" type="xs:string" fixed="NACK">
	    <xs:element name="Reason _Nack" type="Explanation_of_Nack" 
                  <xs:documentation>Explanation to the rejection of the 

Nill Golding.

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