Re: Inconsistent Validation - mixed content and group

On Wed, May 29, 2002 at 12:00:19PM +0200, Eric van der Vlist wrote:
> > I would note that XSDL (and in fact any schema) will have limited
> > use when you get into mixed content
> That's not quite true of Relax NG with which would can attach a datatype
> to any text node (including in mixed content) if you like :-) ...

I meant this only in the sense that a many data types will have
difficulty being interpretted meaningfully on mixed content.  For
example, imagine


If the data type for A is any numeric data type, a date, or some
pattern, it will be very difficult to meaningfully apply.


Ian Stokes-Rees, Client Services      DecisionSoft Ltd.
Telephone: +44-1865-203192  

Received on Wednesday, 29 May 2002 07:26:55 UTC