Questions Regarding Complex Type Restrictions

Is the following syntax valid?  Is there a better way to specify this block
of statements?  Perhaps some explanation will help.  I have an element named
"height" that will be entered on a user interface in any one of the
following formats: feet and inches, just inches, or just centimeters.  The
business logic will always convert these values to inches before saving them
in an XML file, and the value of inches must be between 36.0 and 100.0,
inclusive.  I have three attributes: (1) "units" which will always be
"inches", (2) "display1" will either contain "ft" or nothing, and (3)
"display2" will either contain "in" or "cm".  "display1" and "display2" are
used to indicate how to convert and display "height" to the proper format
and value when displaying it on the user interface.


- Robert

<xs:element name="height">
		<xs:restriction base="xs:float">
			<xs:minInclusive value="36.0"/>
			<xs:maxInclusive value="100.0"/>
		<xs:attribute name="units" use="required">
				<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
					<xs:enumeration value="in"/>
		<xs:attribute name="display1" use="required">
				<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
					<xs:enumeration value="ft"/>
					<xs:enumeration value=""/>
		<xs:attribute name="display2" use="required">
				<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
					<xs:enumeration value="in"/>
					<xs:enumeration value="cm"/>

Received on Friday, 24 May 2002 05:05:45 UTC