We're interested in your experiences with XML...

Dear everyone,


I am writing to you from Veridocs, a company that has developed an XML software service that is due to be launched in the fall of this year. Veridocs is currently performing market research on the practices of Web developers, and seeks to conduct phone interviews with select developers on their uses of XML.


As compensation for being interviewed, Veridocs is offering a $30 gift certificate to Amazon.com. If you are interested in being interviewed, please send me a two-to-three-sentence description of your background, along with your contact information. You should have some familiarity with XML. 


The interview process should take approximately 30 minutes. Questions will pertain to such topics as how you have used XML, your impressions of XML software tools (if any), etc. 


Thanks and best regards,


Tom Palmer




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Received on Thursday, 23 May 2002 16:39:07 UTC