Re: unconsistent union of patterns

Hi Michael,

> 1) I like the derivation pattern process ".+\.com" because I can
> also use it for ".+\.(com|gov|edu|net|org)". It would be nice if
> (com|..|org) could be a list type I could refer to, but I guess no
> combination of pattern and type, so far?

No. You'd either have to go outside XML Schema for that, or change the
way you represent email addresses, so that the com/org/gov etc. parts
are held in a separate element or attribute.

> 3) I was awkwardly using ^, what I meant was: "[^a]@[^b]\.com" but
> anyway as you acutely highlighted: no antipattern facet nor no but.
> Do you know if w3c is thinking about antipattern or but? I
> understand that the implementation is not elementary because of the
> semantical consistency check but not impossible because already
> implemented in languages like Prolog or any languages based on Horn
> Clauses.

It does sound as if something like an anti-pattern facet would be
useful. The W3C is still soliciting suggestions for XML Schema 1.1, so
perhaps you should write to with the
suggestion and your use case.



Jeni Tennison

Received on Saturday, 4 May 2002 09:14:10 UTC