RE: [xml-dev] XLink 1.1 - Discard "locator-type elements"?

> From: []


> The main (only significant?) purpose of a locator-type 
> element seems to be to 
> hold an xlink:href attribute.

And role and title. Quite apart from that, it can contain
application-specific content.
> If the specification for the xlink:from and xlink:to attributes on an 
> arc-type element were amended from allowing an NCName to a 
> URI it seems to me 
> that the locator-type element and its xlink:href attribute 
> could be dispensed 
> with.

A locator can participate in multiple arcs. Why force the roles of those to
be defined redundantly on arcs? Also, you still have to address local
resources. Your proposal forces arcs to have different syntax when they are
referring to remote vs. local resources, as well as carry attributes that
are really properties of the locator, not the arc, in the instance of remote
resources. I don't see that this is really buying anything in terms of
enhanced simplicity. It seems to make things worse by introducing
inconsistencies, and can promote confusion since the syntax diverges more
substantially from the model.

Received on Thursday, 21 March 2002 12:27:19 UTC