RE: Original Choice (was RE: Choice)


-----Original Message-----
From: []

> The second says
> choose (any number of times) between a required c1 or a required c2
>So you're allowed nothing, or c1, or c2, or c1c1, or c1c2, or c2c1,
>  or c2c2, or . . .

The piece that's confusing is that c1 and c2 are required elements, yet I
could just have c1 and it would validate. Isn't c2 required? The way you
interpreted seems like you're just ignoring the occurs attributes of the
particles within the choice

>Perhaps converting to DTD notation would help?
> The first is (c1?|c2?)
> The second is (c1|c2)*
> Your earlier example was (c1*|c2*)

I'm not extremely fluent in DTDs, but does (c1|c2)* allow for nothing? I
thought that was c1 or c2, one to many times.


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Received on Wednesday, 13 March 2002 09:00:48 UTC