Re: Choice

Hi Noah, wrote:
> Jeni Tenison writes (regarding possible support of Schematron):
>>>I'd hope so, personally, because I don't think there's
>>>any way for XML Schema to articulate everything 
>>>about a markup language without supporting a rules-based 
> I'd be a little careful about implying that we might somehow create a 
> language that would "articulate everything".  The only way we would come 
> close would be to include a Turing complete programming language.   The 
> results would be imperative rather than declarative, and would have a 
> variety of drawbacks.  

Not necessarly! One of the fantasies I'd like to try if/when I'll have 
some time is to use Prolog, for instance, to valide XML documents. It's 
a declarative language and it's Turing complete...

In fact, I am pretty sure (and that's one of the things I'd like to show 
through my participation to the ISO/DSDL project [1]) that rule based 
schema languages are to grammar based and OO schema languages what 
assembly language is to 3rd generation languages.

You can build one on top of the other and some applications just need 
both together!

My 0,02 Euros.

See you in Seattle.
Eric van der Vlist   

Received on Friday, 8 March 2002 11:32:35 UTC