XSV and PyLTXML question

I am trying to run XSV, using the latest versions of PyLTXML and all the
relevant XSV .py files, and Python2.2, and I received the following error

$ python c:/progra~1/XSV/src/applyschema.py ExampleInstanceDocument.xml
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c:/progra~1/XSV/src/applyschema.py", line 5, in ?
    import XML
  File "c:/progra~1/XSV/src\XML.py", line 2, in ?
    from PyLTXML import *
  File "c:\progra~1\hcrclt~1\ltxml~1\python\lib\PyLTXML\__init__.py", line
1, in ?
    from LTXMLinter import *
ImportError: Module use of python16.dll conflicts with this version of

Has anybody gotten applyschema.py and PyLTXML to work with Python 2
somehow?  Or is there perhaps another version of the module somewhere
built for python 2 (I checked the web, with no success, and the PyLTXML
site is not helpful)?

My apologies if this is off topic, but an XSV page said that this was the
correct place for XSV questions (which this is, sort of).



Received on Tuesday, 25 June 2002 15:43:17 UTC