Announce: XML Schema, The W3C's Object-Oriented Descriptions for XML

I am happy to announce that the first edition of my first book, "XML
Schema, The W3C's Object-Oriented Descriptions for XML" [1] should be
available today in the bookstores, including Amazon [2], at least in the
US (and yes, you have the opportunity to get the book before I can
actually touch one!).

I am not going to copy/paste here the announce made on xml-dev :-) but would like to take the opportunity to thank all the people on this list who have helped me by answering my many questions about the recommendation.

I think I can't stress enough how this list as a whole has been a critical resource both through its answers and also through its questions during my work on this book!

I should also probably clarify here some points about my "position" in regard to W3C XML Schema:

1) I have nothing against W3C XML Schema as *a* XML schema language: it fills a need for object oriented schema languages and the WG is working on fixing what needs to be fixed in the next releases.

2) I am violently opposed against W3C XML Schema as *the* XML schema language for two reasons: I believe that it should still be possible to take full profit of XML without schema language at all and I think that W3C XML Schema has too many pitfalls to be the only choice for people wanting to use a XML schema language.

3) Although I may sometimes criticize the W3C XML Schema recommendation, I have a lot of respect for the editors of the spec and WG members who have done a very hard and good job given the conditions in which their work has been done (I do think that the organization of W3C Working Groups has a huge scalability issue but that's another story).

Many thanks again,



See you in San Diego.
Eric van der Vlist  
(W3C) XML Schema ISBN:0-596-00252-1

Received on Tuesday, 25 June 2002 04:06:59 UTC