RE: Select specific node and namespaces

Rick, I'm keeping you in the CC: line because you may be interested in this
discussion- or not. If not, just say the word- thanks. :)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Francis Norton []
> Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2002 6:27 AM
> To: Snow, Corey
> Cc: ''; Rick Jelliffe
> Subject: Re: Select specific node and namespaces
> Hi Corey,

Hi Francis- thanks for your response.

> Snow, Corey wrote:
> >All pretty straightforward so far, I'd guess. However, when 
> a node fails to
> >be validated against the Schematron rules, I'd like to replace it. My
> >validating stylesheet, generated by schematron-xml.xsl, 
> produces output that
> >contains a "failed-assert" node for each instance node that 
> failed to be
> >validated for whatever reason. One of the properties of the 
> failed-assert
> >node is a property called "Location". It contains something like the
> >following:
> >
> >/topic[1]/content[1]/para[1]/link[1]
> >  
> >
> presumably these elements are in the default namespace. I hadn't 
> realised that name() returns an unqualified name for nodes 
> that are in a 
> non-blank default namespace.

I'm not sure if this is appropriate behavior or not. My reading of the spec
isn't clear on whether or not a namespace should be returned for a non-blank
default namespace, which is the case here.

> <snip/>
> >However, if I add
> >the namespace before the query:
> >
> >objXMLDoc.setProperty "SelectionNamespaces", 
> "xmlns:myns="mynamespaceURN"
> >
> >It still fails unless I modify the XPath to something like:
> >/myns:topic[1]/myns:content[1]/myns:para[1]/myns:link[1]
> >
> Have you tried:
>     objXMLDoc.setProperty "SelectionNamespaces", 
> "xmlns=mynamespaceURN"

Good idea- yes, I tried that and variations on it. No joy. ;)

> to set the default namespace? Don't worry if it doesn't work, see 
> below...  
> >Another thing I'm considering is trying to modify 
> "schematron-xml.xsl" so it
> >generates fully namespace-qualified XPath, but I'd prefer 
> not to do that
> >unless I have to. I don't think it would be very portable
> >
> Well, you could replace the template in skeleton1-5.xsl with this one 
> line mod:
>             <!-- utility routine for implementations -->
>             <axsl:template match="*|@*" 
> mode="schematron-get-full-path">
>                 <axsl:apply-templates select="parent::*" 
> mode="schematron-get-full-path"/>
>                 <axsl:text>/</axsl:text>
>                 <axsl:if test="count(. | ../@*) = 
> count(../@*)">@</axsl:if>
>                 <axsl:if test="not(namespace-uri(.)='') and 
> not(contains(name(.), ':'))">_dns:</axsl:if>
>                 <axsl:value-of select="name()"/>
>                 <axsl:text>[</axsl:text>
>                 <axsl:value-of 
> select="1+count(preceding-sibling::*[name()=name(current())])"/>
>                 <axsl:text>]</axsl:text>
>             </axsl:template>
> It's a bit of a hack since it arbitrarily associates the 
> prefix "_dns:" 
> with what was the default namespace - I'd be open to better 
> suggestions.

This is something (similar to) what I had considered. As you said, it
associates a string with that namespace- I could use my own namespace prefix
as well. But that destroys portablility, which is OK for this one
application, but I'd prefer a cleaner solution.

Again, thanks for your response.


Corey Snow

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Received on Thursday, 13 June 2002 04:08:50 UTC