RE: derived types and Casotr


The other requirement I have is that I want to be able to use Castor
to generate java code... when I tried using a base type with a substitution
group, Castor did not generate any classes for any of the derived types 

Without a snippet, it's hard to guess at what the problem is. I've tried the
following, and Castor seems to generate all the classes just fine:
<xs:element name="Actor" abstract="true">



            <xs:extension base="ActorType"/>




<xs:element name="PlateSetter" type="ActorType" substitutionGroup="Actor"/>

<xs:element name="Proofer" type="ActorType" substitutionGroup="Actor"/>

<xs:complexType name="ActorType">

     <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/>



Received on Thursday, 11 July 2002 13:36:47 UTC