RE: Representing NOTATIONs in XML Schema?

The one difference that comes to mind is that the public and system identifiers for <xs:notation>s have to be URIs while there is no such limitation for NOTATIONs from DTDs. 

 -----Original Message----- 
 From: Roger L. Costello [] 
 Sent: Tue 7/2/2002 2:48 PM 
 To:; Costello,Roger L. 
 Subject: Re: Representing NOTATIONs in XML Schema?

 Thanks Asir, Dare, and Ross!
 Okay, DTD NOTATIONs are different than XML Schema NOTATIONs.  The
 obvious next question is "how are they different"?  As my clients
 migrate their NOTATION-containing DTDs to XML Schemas how are they to
 migrate the NOTATIONs?  /Roger

Received on Wednesday, 3 July 2002 10:51:46 UTC