Re: minOccurs

Frédéric Jaouën wrote:

>Hi Eddie,
>My type "S" is just an xs:string and the "groupB" looks like "groupA" with
>different elements (the problem is not on that side but more with the
>My problem is with a product we have bought helping us to generate Java code
>based on our schemas. This product generate a function to validate if the
>XML file is valid.
>The problem is that if I have no element in my "groupA" (since they are all
>optional) their API got a problem when I call their validation function
>because they assume (since I have no minOccurs specified to the reference,
>like xs:group ref="groupA" minOccurs="0") that the minOccurs is "1"
>(default) and during their validation they have probably initiate a kind of
>pointer on nothing since I have not specify any elements in my "groupA" and
>they return an error.
>To solve my problem they suggest me to add a minOccurs="0" (which make
>sense) but for some reason I do not want to do that since my schema is valid
>(what I try to be sure).
I think they are incorrect and need to change their API.

>They argue that their comprehension of the W3C is correct and they do not
>want to correct what I call a bug, but I guess they are wrong.
I think I just posted a reply to a question regarding this issue on this 
list. See [1]



>Also I am using the XML Spy editor which includes a Microsoft XML parser
>(MSXML 4.0) and I have no error when I validate my schema.
>I hope to be clear enough !
>Thanks again,
>Frédéric Jaouën
>Eddie Robertsson wrote:
>>>I have define a group "groupA" which contains 3 optional elements.
>>>Is that correct to make a reference without specifying a minOccurs="0"
>>>in my definition of "testMin" element even though all elements in
>>>"groupA" are all optional ?
>>>Even though it is probably not very nice, I understand in the W3C that
>>>it can be done and I should be able to validate it !
>>>RIGHT ???
>>I guess this depends on if your base type "S" and the "groupB" are valid
>>but otherwise I don't see any problems with your schema. What errors are
>>you getting?
>>One problem could be that your groupB defines the same elements as
>>groupA which would create an ambigous content model since all your
>>elements in groupA are optional.
>>><xs:group name="*groupA*">
>>>  <xs:sequence>
>>>   <xs:element name="*A*" minOccurs="0">
>>>    <xs:simpleType>
>>>     <xs:restriction base="S">
>>>      <xs:maxLength value="64"/>
>>>     </xs:restriction>
>>>    </xs:simpleType>
>>>   </xs:element>
>>>   <xs:element name="*B*" minOccurs="0">
>>>    <xs:simpleType>
>>>     <xs:restriction base="S">
>>>      <xs:maxLength value="32"/>
>>>     </xs:restriction>
>>>    </xs:simpleType>
>>>   </xs:element>
>>>   <xs:element name="*C*" minOccurs="0">
>>>    <xs:simpleType>
>>>     <xs:restriction base="S">
>>>      <xs:maxLength value="32"/>
>>>     </xs:restriction>
>>>    </xs:simpleType>
>>>   </xs:element>
>>>  </xs:sequence>
>>> </xs:group>
>>> <xs:element name="*testMin*">
>>>  <xs:complexType>
>>>   <xs:sequence>
>>>    <xs:group ref="groupA"/>
>>>    <xs:group ref="groupB"/>
>>>   </xs:sequence>
>>>  </xs:complexType>
>>> </xs:element>
>>>"groupB" maybe anything.
>>>Thanks !
>>>Frédéric Jaouën

Received on Wednesday, 28 August 2002 20:11:18 UTC