Re: extending enumeration ?

Hi Stefan,

> is there also an ordering between the member types that are
> referenced and the member types that are defined as anonymous inner
> types when deciding which member type to use to create an instance?
> I did not find a section in the spec. where an ordering of the
> member types is mentioned.

Yes. The member type definitions property of a union simple type is
defined as:

  The sequence of Simple Type Definition components resolved to by the
  items in the actual value of the memberTypes [attribute], if any, in
  order, followed by the Simple Type Definition components resolved to
  by the <simpleType> [children], if any, in order. If {variety} is
  union for any Simple Type Definition components resolved to above,
  then the that Simple Type Definition is replaced by its {member type
So the member types specified in the memberTypes attribute go first,
followed by the member types defined as nested anonymous simple types.


Jeni Tennison

Received on Monday, 26 August 2002 05:55:00 UTC