Re: Is the fixed-attribute on length-facet useless?

Hi Rainer,

> (1) Would you agree, that the fixed-attribute is useless
>      in connection with length?


> (2) What good is length anyways, is there a reason, why
>      XML Schema 1.1 should still use it? 
It's only a shorthand for setting minLength and maxLength to the same
value, I think, but in some cases that shorthand feels more natural. I
don't see any big reason to drop it.

> I see, that the fixed-attribute on minLength und maxLength is
> vitally important. 
Personally, I don't see the purpose of the fixed attribute anywhere (I
know what it does, just can't conceive of a situation in which it's a
useful thing to do). If you could provide a use-case, I'd really
appreciate it...



Jeni Tennison

Received on Tuesday, 13 August 2002 12:40:56 UTC