Re: Clarification on Datatypes Spec

Hi Rainer,

> Canonical representation
> .... 
> Leading zeroes and the preceding optional "+" sign 
> are prohibited in the exponent. ...
> For the exponent, the preceding optional "+" sign is prohibited. 
> ....
> Question: This definition seems to mention that the
> "preceding optional "+" sign is prohibited" two times.
> Is this intentionally? If this is the case, please tell me why?
Yes, it's intentional. One is talking about the '+' on the mantissa,
and one on the exponent. If you only prohibited it on the mantissa,
you would allow:


or, if you only prohibited it on the exponent, you would allow:


As it is, it's prohibited on both, so you have to use:




Jeni Tennison

Received on Tuesday, 13 August 2002 12:20:38 UTC