Hex Expression

I'm trying to model a type for a 16-digit Hex number. Simple, right? So I
use a restriction of string with the pattern "([0-9][a-f][A-F]){16}". Yet
when I try to validate an instance containing the number: 0000000478A3200F,
XML Spy (v4.4) complains that the value doesn't match the pattern. Anyone
know what I'm missing?

BTW - I did notice that there's a hexBinary type already in the spec. My
hesitation in using it was that it (obviously) implies a hex encoding of
binary data. I'm simply dealing with Hex data (although it always comes
down to binary at some point, of course :-). Are there any processing
implications of using hexBinary to be concerned about? TIA.

Michael A. Rossi
Computer Sciences Corporation
856-983-4400 x4964

Received on Thursday, 8 August 2002 15:11:58 UTC