Re: XML-Data vs. XML Schema


There were several proposed or implemented Schema languages using XML
syntax, including XML-Data, XML-Data-Reduced (XDR), DSD, which were
considered as starting points when the W3C Schema working group began work.

The working group had a difficult job of balancing the needs of document-
oriented application designers (including extensible frameworks like XHTML)
and the needs of data-oriented application designers, and ended up
designing the language you can find out more about at http://www.w3.
org/XML/Schema .

As far as I know, some Microsoft software can handle XDR schemas or W3C XML
Schema language, although Microsoft strongly urges that all new schemas be
created in the W3C XML Schema language.  As far as I know, some software
from Sun Microsystems can handle RELAXNG schemas or W3C XML Schema
language.   I think some tools suites, like XMLSpy, also allow you to
author schemas in more than 1 language, but most of their new function is
going to support the W3C Schema language, as far as I know.

But to the extent that there are universally supported languages, at this
point in time there is only DTD as described in the XML 1.0 recommendation,
and the W3C XML Schema language.

Several books have been published describing the W3C XML Schema Language.
You can also read the Primer,

Bob Schloss

IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center
Hawthorne, New York, USA

P.S. For checking the early schemas you write, you might try IBM's XML
Schema Quality Checker.  See

Steve Willis <> on 07/31/2002 11:41:16

Sent by:

To:    xmlschema-dev <>
Subject:    XML-Data vs. XML Schema

Last November I went to a XML class in which they taught XML-Data
representation of XML Schemas.  In looking at the w3c XML Schema primer
listed on your page there seems to be some significant differences in what
I was taught and what seems to be recommended by the w3c.  I've not been
able to find something that describes what one is vs. the other and what
the current acceptance of it is in the industry today.  I'd like to board
the ship destined to a port rather than the bottom of the ocean so if you
can give some guidence on the current acceptance and future of each of
these specifications I'd appreciate it.


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