Re: Identity Constraints in Multiple Elements II

Hi Joan,

> My question is another time the same. I get the same error with this
> minimized schema. Is this schema incorrect or it's a Xerces bug? I
> ask this, because I don't know if I have some misunterstanding with
> <groups>

I think it's a Xerces bug - you only define the identity constraint
once, so it's clear where it applies.

One thing about your schema:

>             <element name="Scalar" type="spe:TScalar">
>                 <unique name="NameScalar">
>                     <selector xpath="Attribute"/>
>                     <field xpath="@name"/>
>                 </unique>
>             </element>

The NameScalar unique identity constraint looks a bit strange - Scalar
elements don't have element children named 'Attribute' according to
the rest of the schema. I'm not sure whether that was just a test
example or something, but thought I should bring it to your attention.



Jeni Tennison

Received on Friday, 30 November 2001 04:48:44 UTC