Order of elements in a complex-type

Hello all,

I am relatively new to XML schema and am facing a few problems while
defnining complex types.

Is there any mechanism where the order of elements in a complex-type may be
made immaterial in a complex-type defnition ?

For eg  in the following defnition :
<xsd:complexType name="FormType" >
<xsd:element name="TextBox" type="TextBoxType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:element name="TextArea" type="TextAreaType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:element name="Header" type="HeaderType" minOccurs="0"/>

the schema parser expects the elements TextBox, TextArea and Header to
appear in the same sequence.
How do I define it such that they may appear any number of times inside Form
in any sequence ?
Thanks in advance.


Received on Wednesday, 28 November 2001 07:26:59 UTC