Identity constraint questions


I have a couple of questions regarding identity constraints. According to
the spec, identity-constraint
definitions are identified by their {name} and {target namespace}, and
those definition identities must
be unique within an XML Schema.

First question:
Does that mean that I cannot have two identity constraints with the same
name within an XML Schema?
    <xs:element name="e1">

         <xs:key name="key1">
             <xs:selector xpath="."/>
             <xs:field xpath="."/>

    <xs:element name="e2">

         <xs:key name="key1">
             <xs:selector xpath="."/>
             <xs:field xpath="."/>

Second question:
In the section titled 'Schema Component Constraint: Particle Restriction OK
(Elt:Elt -- NameAndTypeOK)', the
following is mentioned:

    For an element declaration particle to be a valid restriction of
another element
    declaration particle all of the following must be true:

    5 R's declaration's {identity-constraint definitions} is a subset of
      declaration's {identity-constraint definitions}, if any.

What exactly is meant by 'subset of'? Does it mean that I need to have the
same identity constraint name
in the derivation as the one in the base?

Your help is much appreciated.


Khaled Noaman
XML Parsers - IBM Toronto Lab

Received on Wednesday, 21 November 2001 12:12:00 UTC