Re[2]: <key> problems.

I've managed to solve the problem. I have control over the XML in
question (XSLT generated), so I have made all <Field> elements contain
attributes for both FieldID and FormID. This way I can have exactly
the keys I want and enforce both the correct uniqueness and
referential integrity. Thanks both for the help...

  <Form FormID="FORM_1">
    <Field FieldID="FIELD_1" FormID="FORM_1"/>
    <Field FieldID="FIELD_2" FormID="FORM_1"/>
  <Form FormID="FORM_2">
    <Field FieldID="FIELD_1" FormID="FORM_2"/>

  <xs:key name="...">
    <xs:selector xpath="Form/Field" />
    <xs:field xpath="@FormID" />
    <xs:field xpath="@FieldID" />

groovy baby,

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Received on Monday, 19 November 2001 09:32:29 UTC