Re[2]: <key> problems.

HST> Your first <field> is not allowed -- you can't use '..' in the xpaths
HST> for fields or selectors.  If what you're trying to say is that fields
HST> are unique within forms, and forms are unique within IDs, you need two 
HST> keys.  XML Schema won't support two-stage keys until a subsequent
HST> version.

Yeah, I've just realised that in terms of making things unique, even
if that key had done what I expected, it wouldn't actually have been
what I wanted - it should as you say be two keys because the FormID
must be unique.

However I also need to be able to reference the key as it was
originally written ie:

<Check FormIDRef="FORM_2" FieldIDRef="FIELD_1"/>

I need to check in this case that FIELD_1 exists within FORM_2.

Are you saying I cannot do this at present? I thought that was the
point of having multiple <field xpath=""> elements?

HST> XML Spy should have bounced your xpath.

I've already mailed then a couple of times about similar issues with
their selector xpath subset. I'll mail them again about that.

groovy baby,

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Received on Monday, 19 November 2001 07:04:07 UTC