Re: final and derivation by list or union.

Hi Ross,

>> Um, well technically simple types are all derived by restriction.
>> If an xs:simpleType element has a xs:restriction element inside,
>> the simple type is derived by restriction from the simple type
>> referred to by the base attribute on that xs:restriction. If the
>> xs:simpleType element has a xs:list or xs:union element inside,
>> then it's derived by restriction from the simple ur-type
>> definition.
> This is confusing at best, and wrong in my view. From part 2,
> section 4.1.2:
>     A derived datatype can be derived from a primitive datatype or
>     another derived datatype by one of three means: by restriction, by
>     list or by union.
> The base type of lists and unions, as you imply, is anySimpleType,
> but that is not the type from which they derive.

Yes, you're right. As I said later in the message, it's easy to get
confused in this area because the two parts say very different things.
I based the above description on the XML Schema Structures document,
which I was wrong to do because it's not normative in this area. (Plus
personally I find it confusing that you can have a type that derives
from a type that isn't its base type :)

So OK, in the example dates was derived from xs:date by list (meaning
that xs:date is the item type of dates). And fiveToTenDates was
derived from dates by restriction (meaning that dates is the base
type of fiveToTenDates).

This is still a little confusing when it comes to looking at the role
of {final} (the two parts describe it differently and give it
different sets of values, Part 1 having more detail but being
non-normative). But Section 3.14.6 of Part 1 is normative, so the fact
that you can't derive from a list type by restriction if its {final}
contains 'list' seems irrefutable (though peculiar, in my view).

What doesn't seem to be stated explicitly in the constraints, or at
least I couldn't find it (although it's mentioned in the text) is that
the {item type definition} of a list type can't have 'list' in its
{final} and the {member type definitions} of a union type can't have
'union' in their {final}.



Jeni Tennison

Received on Friday, 16 November 2001 04:25:23 UTC