<key> and <keyref>

I need some help about <key> and <keyref> constructs. The situation is
the following, may be that the syntax is not exact but it explains the
problem ;

<element name='A'>
  <attribute name='a' type='string'/>

 <key name='KEYa'>
  <selector xpath='.//A'/> <!-- to select the element A -->
  <field xpath='@a'/> <!-- to select the attribute a -->

 <keyref name='RefToKEYb' refer='KEYb'>
  <selector xpath='.//A'/> <!-- to select the element A -->
  <field xpath='@a'/> <!-- to select the attribute a -->

<element name='B'>
  <attribute name='b' type='string'/>

 <key name='KEYb'>
  <selector xpath='.//B'/> <!-- to select the element B -->
  <field xpath='@b'/> <!-- to select the attribute b -->

 <keyref name='RefToKEYa' refer='KEYa'>
  <selector xpath='.//B'/> <!-- to select the element B -->
  <field xpath='@b'/> <!-- to select the attribute b -->

May this schema be valid? Can a key reference another one and in the
same time being referenced by the second key? May be that it is not so
interesting when the key is just an attribute of type string but the
case is different when the key is composed of different attributes and
Thanks a lot. Any help is wellcome

Hamid Maran

Received on Monday, 5 November 2001 05:30:08 UTC