Re: Forcing a certain document element

At 01/01/12 18:16 +0000, Henry S. Thompson wrote:
>Eric van der Vlist <> writes:
> > "Henry S. Thompson" wrote:
> > >
> > > You can't use the XML Schema language itself to enforce this, just as
> > > you can't say it in a DTD document.  The XML Schema WG has taken on
> > > board a request that it be a requirement on XML Schema _processors_
> > > that they can be invoked in a way which specifies the element
> > > declaration to be used to validate the document element.
> >
> > Can't you design your schema to have only one global element definition
> > ?
> >
> > I reckon that it's a severe constraint, but it could be a workaround if
> > you really wanted/needed to achieve this...
>In the words of Richard Nixon (allegedly :-) "You could do that, but
>it would be wrong."  By which I mean you're right, if you wrote such a
>schema, it would have the desired effect, but that's a pretty
>roundabout way to get it.

I agree with this. However, this does not mean that it is wrong to
be able to (easily, and for some cases, in the Schema itself) to
express what top level element(s) can actually be used, or does it?

Regards,   Martin.

Received on Sunday, 14 January 2001 20:22:02 UTC