Re: [schema] Re: Forcing a certain document element

> > Can't you design your schema to have only one global element definition

> In the words of Richard Nixon (allegedly :-) "You could do that, but
> it would be wrong."  By which I mean you're right, if you wrote such a 
> schema, it would have the desired effect, but that's a pretty
> roundabout way to get it.

I disagree. Given that the only way to avoid polluting my instance documents
with redundant schema information is to insure that all elements are locally
defined (except the top element, of course), it's hardly roundabout. In
fact, since combining other schemas with mine relies on linking into them
without violating this property, I appreciate if people design without
global elements (I just use global complexTypes where I had global elements

Robert Braddock

Received on Friday, 12 January 2001 14:31:29 UTC