RE: element attributes with non-schema namespace


     With respect to the REC language of schema,
which I urge everyone to transition to soon, this is permitted.

     However, a lot of us "early tool cobblers" are
taking short-cuts.  For example, XML Schema Quality Checker
uses Xerces-J to parse the document, and we ask Xerces-J
to validate the document against the DTD for Schemas.
Therefore, Xerces-J may complain about
your attribute and that message might
appear in our output.  It is on my things to do list to
a) switch over to using validation against the Schema for Schemas
b) suppress, or reword, messages that Xerces validator returns
    so they make sense in the context of schema quality checker.


"David E. Cleary" <> on 08/22/2001 08:57:06 AM

Sent by:

To:   "D Gross" <>, <>
Subject:  RE: element attributes with non-schema namespace

> I have a question about attributes with a non-schema namespace in an
> xsd:element definition.  For example, I want to add an attribute
> in the following way:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=""
> elementFormDefault="qualified"
> xmlns:my="">
>    <xsd:element name="test" my:attr="something"/>
> </xsd:schema>
> Seems the CR XML Schema does not allow this, at least according to a
> couple of tools that I have tried using to validate the schema:
> "This file is not valid: Unexpected attribute 'my:attr' in
> element 'xsd:element'"

Yes, this is allowed and the tools you are using are incorrect. What tools
are they?


Received on Wednesday, 22 August 2001 12:30:52 UTC