pb redefining a group !

I have a first schema root.xsd [1] where I define an element <root> with 
a sequence of:
 - a group <myGroup> 
 - an element <bar>

I have a second schema redefine.xsd [2] where try to redefine <myGroup>
by a sequence of another element <foo>.

But in my final xml document example.xml [3], xsv parser tells
me that <foo> is not allowed.

Is it possible to redefine a group of elements?

How can I do then ?

Thanks a lot for your help.


[1] http://www-clips.imag.fr/geta/services/dml/root.xsd
[2] http://www-clips.imag.fr/geta/services/dml/redefine.xsd
[3] http://www-clips.imag.fr/geta/services/dml/example.xml

Mathieu MANGEOT-LEREBOURS |  Phone : +33 4 76 51 43 80
GETA-CLIPS-IMAG  BP 53    |  Fax     : +33 4 76 51 44 05
F-38041 Grenoble cedex 9  |  E-mail: Mathieu.Mangeot@imag.fr

Received on Friday, 13 April 2001 12:45:23 UTC