Re: XSV: pb with xml headers in schemas

>Mathieu Mangeot Lerebours <> writes:
> > <import> works fine, my problem is solved. Thank you.
> > 1) xml header can't be used in schemas: bug or feature ?
>> I thought that an XML schema was an XML document.
> > So I wrote on top of my XML schemas the usual XML header:
> >
>> <?xml version='1.0' ?>
> > But xsv fails to include the schema.
> > Is it a bug or a feature of xsv ?
>That's very surprising - - could you provide examples and the XSV output?

I investigated more and found why xsv did not work with my xml headers
for the schemas:

I wrote standalone="yes" :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

But if I write standalone="no", everything is OK.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

So maybe its a feature?

> >
>> Do I have to name my schema file "dml" or "dml.xsd" or is there
>> another way to indicate the validators to take by default this file
>> dml.xsd for the corresponding namespace:
>> ?
>If you put dml.xsd at the right place in your web server's filespace,
>_and_ you have your server set up properly to supply .xsd files for
>application/xml requests, then yes.  That's how
> works.
I added a line for in the mime.types file:

application/xml		xml xsd

I will test it soon.

Thanks again.
Mathieu MANGEOT-LEREBOURS |  Phone : +33 4 76 51 43 80
GETA-CLIPS-IMAG  BP 53    |  Fax     : +33 4 76 51 44 05
F-38041 Grenoble cedex 9  |  E-mail:

Received on Thursday, 12 April 2001 12:49:02 UTC