RE: [xmlschema-dev] <none>

> I am attempting to build a number of XML schemas using the
> version of the spec. I am using
> XMLSpy which is reporting errors on XML that looks valid to me.
> I would appreciate an indication as to whether or not the errors are
> legitimate.
> Problems
> 1. The XML below gets the message below when validation is attempted.
> "We are sorry, but the elements that have the same name but
> different types
>   functionality is not yet implemented in this version".
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <!-- edited with XML Spy v3.0.7 NT ( by Michael
> Leditschke (NEMMCO) -->
> <schema xmlns="">
>   <complexType name="a">
>     <element name="c" type="string"/>
>   </complexType>
>   <complexType name="b">
>     <element name="c" type="decimal"/>
>   </complexType>
> </schema>
> The two c elements are part of different type definitions and
> should be
> locally scoped and hence happily have different types. Yes/No?

see Henry's answer. This is not yet implemented in this version. Hopefully
it will be in the upcoming 3.5 version of XMLSpy.

> 4. The XML below gets the message below when validation is attempted
> "DTD/Schema error - element 'd' already defined" (the second
> definition is
>  highlighted).
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <!-- edited with XML Spy v3.0.7 NT ( by Michael
> Leditschke (NEMMCO) -->
> <schema xmlns="">
>   <complexType name="a">
>     <element name="d">
>       <simpleType base="string">
>         <length value="5"/>
>       </simpleType>
>     </element>
>   </complexType>
>   <complexType name="b">
>     <element name="d">
>       <simpleType base="string">
>         <length value="5"/>
>       </simpleType>
>     </element>
>   </complexType>
> </schema>

I have avoided this issue declaring the elementypes globally (I have added
the xsd namespace, otherwise you will get errors validating this file):

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <!-- edited with XML Spy v3.0.7 NT ( by Michael
 Leditschke (NEMMCO) -->
 <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">
   <xsd:complexType name="a">
     <xsd:element name="d" type="mytype" />
   <xsd:complexType name="b">
     <xsd:element name="d" type="mytype" />
   <xsd:simpleType name="mytype" base="xsd:string">
      <xsd:length value="5"/>

I hope this helps you out...

David Valera

Received on Friday, 27 October 2000 04:18:57 UTC