Re: xsd:any and xsd:element with max(min)occurs

Hi Nic,

xsd:any is a very specific beast:

"In general, an any element specifies that any well-formed XML is
permissible in a type's content model"

and it doesn't accept xsd:element as its content.

My understanding is that you have to use a combinaison of the 3
following elements to try to achieve what you want here:

xsd:sequence (imposing an order for your elements).
xsd:choice (one of the items only)
xsd:all (several restrictions such as maxOccurs for each of the elements
can only be <= 1).

I may have missed something (I hope so ;) but I don't see how you can
achieve declaring (at least in an extensible way) that both aaa and bbb
have to be present between 0 to 2 times in any order with the current
draft !

The only way I can think of is a xsd:choice between a xsd:sequence for
each combinaison.

Hope this helps.


Miloslav Nic wrote:
> In my understanding, if I use:
> <xsd:element name="XXX">
> <xsd:complexType>
> <xsd:any>
>         <xsd:element name="aaa" maxOccurs="2"/>
>         <xsd:element name="bbb" maxOccurs="2"/>
> </xsd:any>
> </xsd:complexType>
> </xsd:element>
> Then this xml file vould be schema valid:
> <XXX>
>    <aaa/>
>    <bbb/>
>    <aaa/>
>    <bbb/>
> </XXX>
> Am I correct?
> --
> ******************************************
> <firstName> Miloslav </firstName>
> <surname>   Nic      </surname>
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Eric van der Vlist       Dyomedea              

Received on Wednesday, 11 October 2000 07:09:14 UTC