- From: Jeff Rafter <jeffrafter@definedweb.com>
- Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2000 11:10:04 -0700
- To: <xmlschema-dev@w3.org>
Is there a way to more explicitly control the sequence of an extended complexType? For example: <complexType name="Foo"> <complexContent> <sequence> <element name="bar" type="int"> </sequence> </complexContent> </complexType> <complexType name="Foo2"> <complexContent> <extension base="Foo"> <sequence> <element name="bar2" type="int"> </sequence> </extension> </complexContent> </complexType> ========================================= The result of the extension is: <complexType name="Foo2"> <complexContent> <sequence> <element name="bar" type="int"> <element name="bar2" type="int"> </sequence> </complexContent> </complexType> But is there anyway to control the sequence? Is it possible to control the order of the resultant sequence-- for example, alaways making the "bar" element appear at the end of the sequence? Thanks, Jeff Rafter Defined Systems, Inc
Received on Sunday, 1 October 2000 14:10:00 UTC