XML Schema redundancies

Hi guys,

I hope you are the ones who can answer my question, if not please forgive me.
While reading XML Schema CR I was wondering if it was not possible to avoid some redundancies.
For instance according to CR document the 'length' constraining facet can be used with the facets 'maxLength' and 'minLength' which provides some obvious confusion (what is a string of length 10 but with a maxLength of 12 ???). Perhaps I am missing something but it should be better to add a paragraph about stating that 'maxLength' and 'minLength' must not be used if 'length' is used or that the value of minLength and maxlength must be the same of the 'length' value if this one is defined.
It is the same case with max/min Exclusive and max/min Inclusive.
Perhaps these redundancies are needed for validate the CR Schema towards itself but it shadows the validation.
What do you think about that point?


Received on Thursday, 7 December 2000 16:28:25 UTC