Comments for CR-soap12-part1-20021219


Here are just a few minor editorial comments for your "SOAP Version 1.2
Part 1: Messaging Framework" Candidate Recommendation [1].

In "XML schema," schema can be lowercase except when referring to the
XML Schema Recommendation.

In 1.5.1, s/SOAP Module/SOAP module/

The third sentence is too long:

     This section sets out the rules by which SOAP messages are
     processed. Unless otherwise stated, processing MUST be semantically
     equivalent to performing the following steps separately, and in the
     order given. Note however that nothing in this specification
     prevents the use of optimistic concurrency, roll back, or other
     techniques that might provide increased flexibility in processing
     order provided all generated SOAP messages, SOAP faults and
     application-level side effects are equivalent to those that would
     be obtained by direct implementation of the following rules in the
     order shown below.

The para. could be something like (I may have this wrong):

     This section sets out the rules by which SOAP messages are
     processed. Nothing in this specification prevents the use of
     optimistic concurrency, roll back, or other techniques that might
     provide increased flexibility in processing order. Unless otherwise
     stated, processing of all generated SOAP messages, SOAP faults and
     application-level side effects MUST be semantically equivalent to
     performing the following steps separately, and in the order given.

Generally, white space is two words. Does "Whitespace character
information items" make more sense as "White space character information
items"? I believe so (see

s/message exchange patterns/Message Exchange Pattern/ (or the reverse)
s/does NOT require/does <strong>not</strong> require/
s/whitespace characters/white space characters/
s/SOAP 1.1/SOAP/1.1/


Best wishes for your project,
Susan Lesch                tel:+1.858.483.4819
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Received on Sunday, 26 January 2003 22:45:09 UTC