XMLP Issue 371 Resolution

The XMLP WG decided to close issue 371  [1]  you raised by adding a
sentence to section 2.6 of Part 1.

Original Text:
"In all cases where a SOAP header block is processed, the SOAP node MUST
understand the SOAP header block and MUST do such processing in a manner
fully conformant with the specification for that header block."

Modified Text:
"In all cases where a SOAP header block is processed, the SOAP node MUST
understand the SOAP header block and MUST do such processing in a manner
fully conformant with the specification for that header block. The
successful processing of one header block does not guarantee successful
processing of another block with the same fully qualified name within
the same message: the specification for the header block determines the
circumstances in which such processing would result in a fault."

Please let the WG know if this is not satisfactory.

Colleen (on behalf of the XML Protocol WG)

[1] http://www.w3.org/2000/xp/Group/xmlp-lc-issues.html#x371

Received on Wednesday, 30 October 2002 18:11:52 UTC