Comments on SOAP Version 1.2 Part 0: Primer

Example 4 is a SOAP RPC request with a mandatory header 
and two "in" parameters.  However, it is not clear 
(or at least not clear to me) what the two "in" parameters
are.  Please explicitly call them out in the text.  
Also please explain what the "5" is in the header 
(one line before </t:transaction>). 
(Maybe it's one of the two parameters?)

Example 5 is a RPC response with two "out" parameters.  
However, it is not clear what the two "out" parameters are.  
Please explicitly identify them in the text.

I realize that identifying the parameters may be obvious
to informed readers, such as members of the working group.  
They may not see the need to be more explicit.  But since 
this is a primer, many of its readers, such as me, will 
be relatively naïve.  Therefore, I would respectfully 
encourage you to give serious consideration 
to my two comments above.

Thank you very much.  And thank you for producing 
this excellent document.

Art Salwin
(202) 863-2985
(202) 863-2988 (fax)

Received on Saturday, 13 July 2002 04:13:29 UTC