Resolution of Issue 146: Message path termination at Anon Actor

During the XMLP Working Group Telcon on 21-Nov-2001, the XMLP WG agreed to
resolve Issue 146 [1] by inserting the following paragraph after the last
paragraph in section 2.5 [2] of SOAP 1.2 Part 1.

"A SOAP Node that acts in the role of the anonymous actor with 
respect to a particular SOAP message becomes the ultimate 
recipient of that SOAP message. Such a SOAP node is 
responsible for processing all parts of the message intended 
for the anonymous actor, including the body, according to the 
rules described in this section. The SOAP message path for 
that message ends at the ultimate recipient. However, the 
ultimate recipient may delegate all or part of its 
responsibility to other entities. The ultimate recipient may 
happen to use distinct SOAP message exchanges to interact with 
such entities. Nevertheless, responsibility for the processing 
of parts of a SOAP message targetted at the anonymous actor 
rests with the ultimate recipient of that message".


Stuart Williams

Received on Thursday, 22 November 2001 19:09:07 UTC