Re: which layer for URI processing?

On Thu, 25 May 2000, Tim Berners-Lee wrote:
> > > XML 1.0 + Namespaces - basically parser output, no more.

Yes, it would be ideal if the namespace spec was
fixed so that "URI" was not even part of the text.

> Oh good!  So Paul and Simon advocate that the XPath should
> be in the upper layer and therefore by Simon's model do
> absoltization.  Well, yes that would work fine.

Namespaces should be specified in the namespace spec;
not redefined or overloaded in any other specification.

Layering other, perhaps *different* definitions of
a *unique* tag for a vocabulary is confusing at best,
dangerous at worse.

> - and James Clark's implementation, I understand,  has
> a comment saying "fix this" where it ought to be in the code.

Yes.  Proof.  If he or his users thought it had anything
more than acedemic value, it would have been implemented.


Received on Thursday, 25 May 2000 21:55:36 UTC