Re: looking for packaging, not a schema

At 09:47 AM 5/18/00 -0400, wrote:
>Our first goal _must_ be to make Namespaces work. That's the question on
>the table.

I wish it were that simple - it seems that multiple agendas involving
namespace usage are on the table simultaneously, that those agendas are
throughly intertwined.

>Nobody has yet proposed a way to reliably process an absolutized relative
>name that will support the Namespace spec's primary goal: unambiguous
>recognition of which elements and attributes belong to a particular

It's not clear that such a creature exists, though I'd be happy to find
one.  The permutations I've done all seem to result in potential
interoperability issues.

Simon St.Laurent
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Building XML Applications
Inside XML DTDs: Scientific and Technical
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Received on Thursday, 18 May 2000 09:53:46 UTC