- From: Tim Berners-Lee <timbl@w3.org>
- Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 19:08:14 -0400
- To: "Paul Prescod" <paul@prescod.net>, <xml-uri@w3.org>
-----Original Message----- From: Paul Prescod <paul@prescod.net> To: xml-uri@w3.org <xml-uri@w3.org> Date: Monday, May 15, 2000 4:57 PM Subject: URIs as namespaces >Something which has always seemed obvious to me is that it should be >intrinsically obvious on the "client side" whether a name refers to >something which can be explicitly retrieved or whether it rather refers >to something imaginary that has no internal representation in a >computer. To a certian extent this is true, in that the differet URI schemes have some fundamentally different overal properties. So for example, if a namespace were identified using a uuid: then the expectation would be that there would be no global lookup service but tere might be a local broker on the computer. Using http: does indeed indicate there is a way that you can ask the holder of the name (the DNS owner) but there is no expectatoin that you will find aything - you might not even find a server serving that DNS space. Names in the http space have properties largely define by their owners, and so you have to have an agrement with the publisher before you assume anything. For example, W3C has an internal policy that any namespace name mentoined in a technical report will have a corresponding doument pointing to that report, if not more machine-readable information. We also have a persistence policy about publications especially those in our dated URI space (http://www.w3.org/2000/ etc) > This becomes obvious in a variety of contexts: > > * students in any XML class ask about whether you must be connected to >the Internet when you use namespaces -- no matter how many times you >tell them no, they do not believe you because it is so non-intuitive. You will have to exaplain to them then again :) If they have only seen URIs used in HTML links then maybe they do have this model of what they are. But URIs are much more than that. That said, your students will probably apreciate W3C's policy of allowing you to follow up on W3C namespace names in http: space, for the purposes of their study. > * email clients automatically "highlight" namespaces because they have >the same syntax as URL-retrievable information What? A namespace name normally is defined by an attribute in XML so it would only show up normally when you view the source of explicitly discuss the namespace name in plain text - so these are cases where we are looking under the hood anyway. > * XML language lawyers have huge flamewars about what XML vocabulary >should be the "referent" of the namespace link (XML Schema? DTD? Some >meta-schema document? Stylesheet?) One of the reasons for simply using a URI is that it bypasses those flamewars which have been had about URIs in general. We should teach students about generic URIs (http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/Generic ) and the difference between a abstract resource and a particular representation in a language negotiated between client and server. And how that difference is defined by the URI spec and its schemes and protocols. > * If there is such a referent, then it becomes ambiguous whether RDF >properties, etc. apply to the retrievable referent or to the abstract >"namespace." I would not say it is ambigious. You need to be clear about what you mean. This is a good point. I have discussed it in http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/Identity.html It is a question for RDF if it wants to be able to refer separately to the document tree and the RDF graph of a document, for example. For HTTP URIs, the HTP headers get to say a lot about the relasionship between the abstract thing you asked for and what you have been given. But there could be much more - lots of RDF metadata about related variants of the documents for example. >I see the benefit in treating retrievable and irretrievable resources >"the same" in some contexts but I see no benefit in providing no >syntactic signal of whether they fall into the former or latter >category. The URI system provides great richness, by providng some simple and some complex schemes which have evolved over much time. However, to try to divide resources into "retrievable" and "irretrievable" is a little simplistic. For example, I could happen to have a local broker which will find me documents by mid: or uuid: while I might be off-line and not be able to get documents with http: names. In general, these issues of retrievability and persistence are dealt with by URIs and languages should IMHO use URIs rather than try to reinvent them. > Paul Prescod Tim
Received on Tuesday, 16 May 2000 19:11:25 UTC