Re: Fixed base

At 2:18 PM -0400 6/20/00, John Cowan wrote:
>"David G. Durand" wrote:
>>  We can almost entirely preserve literal comparison by using a base
>>  URI that is the null string. In this case, relative URI references
>>  absolutize to syntactically illegal absolute URIs. This means that
>>  it's crystal clear that they aren't suitable for retrieval, since
>>  they're not legal absolure URIs.
>I suspect that the basic resolveURIReference routine would plotz
>on an empty base URI, though.

That would be bug, though, as the RFC is quite clear about that case. 
<semi-facetious>We seem to be spending more time on philosophy than 
practical issues, anyway, so why should we be disturbed by a solution 
that's fine in principle, but just doesn't happen to 

Do you know of any implementations that do/do not fail on this?

    -- David
David Durand      \             \  Chief Technical Officer
     Graduate Student no more!              \  Dynamic Diagrams

Received on Tuesday, 20 June 2000 15:26:20 UTC