Re: Context and... Re: the case of two bats

At 02:52 PM 6/15/00 -0400, Tim Berners-Lee wrote:
>This notion of layering has been I think now well rejected most recently by
>Micahel Champion
>but also in several other messages by various authors.
>You can't have a difference in identity across a layer boundary.

I think some important nuances have been lost in this summary.  What Mike
actually said was:
>I've supported the notion of "layering", i.e., that specs built on top of
>XML might insist that their implementations absolutize namespace URI
>references even though relative URI references are deprecated, forbidden,
>literalized, or whatever in XML itself.  I still agree that this might be
>useful for RDF, but have become convinced that XPath/XSL must not "layer" a
>different namespace URI interpretation from XML's.

That's rather different from the stronger:
>You can't have a difference in identity across a layer boundary.

There seems a question about where such differences should be permitted
rather than a desire to stamp out all such differences completely.

Simon St.Laurent
XML Elements of Style / XML: A Primer, 2nd Ed. - XML essays and books

Received on Thursday, 15 June 2000 15:02:44 UTC