Re: essential test cases?

James Clark wrote:

> Dan Connolly wrote:
> > While mulling over the recent proposal[2], I realized
> > that the namespaces spec (ironically) doesn't currently
> > specify any interactions between multiple documents, and as long
> > as that remains its scope, I think the proposed wording
> > is adequate.
> I don't think so. You can get the two bats problem even within a single
> document because of external entities.  Consider a document
> <!DOCTYPE catalog [
> <!ENTITY bats "animals/bats.xml">
> ]>
> <cat:catalog xmlns:cat="../2000/vocab#">
> &bats;
> </cat:catalog>
> where
> <cat:item
>   xmlns:animal="../2000/vocab#"
>   animal:type="bat"
>   cat:type="available-for-special-order"/>
> A namespace processor has to decide whether this violates the XML
> constraint on attribute uniqueness or not. On the literal
> interpretation it does because animal:type and cat:type have the same
> local part and prefixes that have been bound to identical namespace
> names (although the namespace names refer to different URIs).
> I don't believe the Microsoft proposal has taken this sort of case into
> consideration.

I also posted a very similar example, which provides confirming evidence
of what you're saying.

Paul Abrahams

Received on Thursday, 15 June 2000 10:38:50 UTC