Re: How are semantics named?

At 09:46 AM 6/12/00 -0700, Tim Bray wrote:
>It dawns on me that we're close to having enough pieces of the puzzle to
>really buckle down and start building a semantic web; or at least one that's
>got more semantic weight than we find today.
>[...semantics providers...]
>[...RDF/XLink vocabulary connecting identity and semantics...]
>For example, if you have an XML resource from a known vocabulary, you
>could go looking for a renderer that can generate PDF from it, observe
>that a stylesheet is required, go looking for a stylesheet with the 
>right characteristics, and so on. 
>There's a lot more work between this sketch and something useful, but
>the general shape seems plausible. -Tim

It sounds great, overall, but we also need some kind of infrastructure for
making the 'looking for' possible, easy, reliable, and extensible.  To some
extent these are two separate problems, and vocabulary probably comes
first, but I think the infrastructure development may require some
substantial changes/additions to existing practices, and getting those
through may be very difficult.

Maybe this discussion deserves a spin-off list?

Simon St.Laurent
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Inside XML DTDs: Scientific and Technical
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Received on Monday, 12 June 2000 13:04:45 UTC